Note: Turning windows features on or off is different from installing or uninstalling programs. When a feature is turned off it simply means that the files associated with that feature won’t be loaded when the operating system loads. The windows feature however is still on your computer in a dormant state, you can easily turn it back on at some point in the future and what is also really great about this is that you would not be prompted for your windows 7 disk while you are doing so – remember what we said earlier?. The feature is actually still on your computer.
Windows features I’ve had to turn on
- Internet Information Services
- Telnet Client
- Telnet Server
Log on to the computer as an administrator
Click the start button>control panel and choose programs.
Click Programs and features and choose turn windows features on or off
Windows features window
To turn a feature on check the box next to it, to turn one off uncheck the box next to it then click OK.
When you see the + sign it means that that feature contains sub features, click the plus sign, the folder collapses and the + turns to a – sign, you can choose from the sub feature you want to affect if you want to affect all the sub features simply click the check box next to the parent folder.
OK that’s it. Hope this helped.
Thank you for stopping by.